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    High quality document formatting and publication support services can assist you in giving a great first impression .

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    We create extremely professional, well-structured, consistent, branded documents.

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    We have extensive experience of designing, layout and formatting of manuscripts for publication in print and online science, technology and medical journals.

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    We have extensive expertise in designing, layout and formatting of books, handbooks, manuals, workbooks and other such documents.

English Editing Service & Document Formatting Service

English Editing Service, Document Formatting Service, Manuscript Formatting Service, Plagiarism Checking Service, Image Editing Services, Reference Formatting Services, Reference Checking Services, Document Designing & Formatting Services, Book Formatting Service, Journal Article Formatting Service.

First impression takes about three seconds to form. First impressions are very hard to change. Great first impressions are a key to success in all walks of life. We offer high quality English language editing and document formatting service. With clients expecting only the best services, Edorium eDocs, strives to deliver only the finest and the best services to global clients.
Document formatting service from Edorium eDocs will give your documents a high quality, professional, polished look which will impress your clients even before they have read the first line of your document. English editing service will ensure that your work is written in correct English with proper clarity of expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation. The English editing is done by native-English speaking experts.

Our Clients

Edorium eDocs provides high quality English editing and document formatting service to authors, corporate clients; scientific, technical and medical (STM) journal publishers; book publishers and self-publishers.

What we do

English editing service will ensure that you get a high quality document, written in flawless English ready for use. The high quality document formatting service will ensure that your documents are formatted for maximum effectiveness and attractiveness. Edorium has the experience, resources, and design knowledge that will complement your writing and present it in perfectly formatted, beautifully designed, flawless documents. We will ensure that your documents, manuscripts, and books are formatted to your exact requirements and delivered to you in a ready-to-print format. As part of our services, we will create templates, apply styles, and reformat text, tables and images as specified by you.

The Documents

Edorium eDocs has the expertise to work with all types of business and academic documents including research manuscripts, thesis, dissertation, reports, proposals, handbook, manual, workbooks, training guides, business plans, resumes, newsletters, brochures, flyers, leaflets, pamphlets, training guides, business plans, whitepapers, eBooks and books.

How we do it

English Editing Service: The English editing is done by professional, highly experienced native-English speaking editors. Our editors have years of experience of English editing and English proofreading work.

Document Formatting Service: Our team of 50+ experienced and dedicated experts are proficient in using MS office suite, LaTeX and all major desktop publishing programs including InDesign, Quark Express, Adobe Acrobat, Corel Draw, Page Maker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel Ventura, on Windows, Linux and Macintosh platforms. If you require assistance with conversion of your document, manuscript and book to ePub, Kindle or other software or platforms, we can also provide you these services at very affordable prices.

First impressions can last a lifetime. Contact us today to create a great first impression. Email us at info@edoriumedocs.com with details of your project and receive a custom proposal for our manuscript and document formatting services. You will receive the proposal within 24 hours.


After you have spent days and months in drafting and finalizing your documents, Edorium eDocs's high quality...

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Corporate clients

What would you prefer to show your clients?

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STM journal publishers

Edorium eDocs has extensive experience of designing, layout and formatting of manuscripts...

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Book publishers

Edorium Publications has extensive experience of designing, layout and formatting of books, handbooks,...

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